We broaden their horizons
to elevate their potential

At Apollo, your kids will be exposed to a universe of possibilities.

They'll dive into topics that most of their peers might not touch until college—if ever. You can expect your child casually discuss AI, business modeling, or digital finance at the dinner table.

We're preparing them for a future that's evolving at lightning speed. While their peers are stuck in rote learning, your child will be exploring, experimenting, and engaging with the future.

Apollo Missions Program

Apollo's program holistically nurtures and enables each student's growth.


Engaging kids in simulations, design thinking courses, and experiential activities that nurture scientific thinking, creative building, and learning from trials and tribulations.

Get curious

Through curricula that bring to life modern-day, real-world topics and events, kids are encouraged to delve into all the topics they find intriguing and stimulating.

Create for social good

Throughout the program, kids are given opportunities to leverage the skills they earned to build projects that better humankind. With some guidance, students regularly showcase their thoughts and creativity in pitches and demos to build critical self-confidence.

Join Apollo today

The future isn't just coming; it's here.
Give them the keys to unlock tomorrow, today.

Enroll Now
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